Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here is to happy drinking!

If you read my blog, you know my dedication to hydration. I truly believe that getting hydrated (for those that aren't) will change your life. If you want energy, drink more water. If you want a flat stomach, drink more water. If you want clear skin, drink water! It seems so simple but so many people under-hydrate or dehydrate. Aim for half of your body weight in consumed ounces (64 ounces/8 glasses for 128 pound people).  If you are a caffeine or alcohol drinker, you need to be drinking twice as much water as caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. And if you work out, drink an extra glass for every hour of sweat session you partake in.

If you have spent any time with me, you know my dedication to carrying a water bottle with me at all times. In high school, I went with the gallon jug. I trucked it around like a badge of honor of my hydrated body. But there is something about a gallon jug that screams impracticality while driving to auditions and going to the movies with friends. I then transfered to genius bottle with a straw attached. I made my way through college with my "sippy cup" as my friends so affectionately nicknamed it. Alas, it spilled and leaked all over me, my purse and my car too many times to rationalize its continued use, SO I have moved on to my new water bottle go to- the ECO bottle!

I can feel good knowing that the bottle stays locked, tight and sealed in my purse or rolling around in my car. The dual lid makes it possible to add ice or lemon wedges to the bottle and have access to clean it thoroughly at the end of the day. And the small lid can be used when drinking out of the bottle through the day with a lessened risk of dumping half a bottle on to what will surely be your most sheer white t-shirt.

Be Eco friendly. Don't waste precious resources or your precious cash on plastic bottles. Buy a refillable bottle and stay hydrated! Here is to happy drinking!!!

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