Tuesday, July 5, 2011

train SMART

When it comes to fitness training the best way to stay motivated while tracking progress is to set goals. There is a simple formula that can take goals from the things you forget about along the way to the things that propel you to success. These goal are called SMART goals and are taught in not only in fitness, but also in business and the like. Thats because this formula is easy to use and effective! The formula is this, make every goal SMART, that stands for: Specific, Measurable Attainable, Realistic and Timely. In practice that can go as follows:

Specific- SET YOUR GOAL! Make your goal specific to what you want out of your fitness routine, set the exact number of pounds you want to lose or the number of miles you want to be able to run or that you will work out everyday for a period of time or do a 30-day yoga challenge. Set a goal that is meaningful to you and will make a difference in how you feel about your health and fitness level.
Measurable- How are you going to know that you meet your goal? If you are losing weight, weigh in and write down your info before and then track your progress in a weekly or biweekly weigh in (never weigh everyday, your weight will not be significantly changing on a day-to-day basis and weighing in can be discouraging or just needlessly obsessive). If you are running in a race see how far or fast you can go on your first run and then you can see how you improve as you get closer to race day.
Attainable- Does this goal challenge you? Find a goal that stretches you out of your comfort level but is still possible to achieve. 
Realistic- Can you accomplish this goal? Are you willing and able to do the work that is required to achieve it? Make sure to make a goal realistic for you!  Sign up for a 5K if you have never run before or sign up for a 1/2 marathon if you are trying to increase your current routine. Sign-up for 30 days of unlimited yoga. Challenge a friend to do 5 workouts a week with you. If you are going for weight loss, generally about 2 pounds a week is a realistic weight loss goal (although higher body fat clients can lose more than that per week and still be healthy).
Timely- When do you want to achieve your goal? Set a date that you will check in, 2 weeks, a month, the date of an event. *Extra motivation to sign up for a run, biking race or a sprint triathlon as a time constraint to achieve your goal in time to compete.

Once you find your SMART goal, put it into action. Write down your goal in a journal, set reminders on your calendar, put post-its on your mirror and pictures on your refrigerator. The more you keep your goal in mind the more likely you are to succeed. By actively using this formula, you can have success in getting what you want out of your fitness challenges.

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