We spend so much time planning what we are going to do. Making schedules, buying what we need, talking with our friends, revising our schedules. We have busy lives and preparation is necessary. Some may say:
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
No one wants to fail, so we plan, we organize. But sometimes, we spend so much time talking about we are going to do, that we fail to actually do it. I will start my diet on Monday! This is my favorite. How many times have you heard or said that one? How many times have you made it through that last weekend of gorging yourself with all your favorite foods in preparation for your diet to find the temptation of a box of donuts at the office? Temptation exists in various forms every day. If you can fight it on Monday, you also fight it on the weekend and you could be three days closer to your goal by the new week. Instead of hungover and bloated from a weekend of feasting.
If you want to make a change. Then you are responsible to make that change. You are capable of making that change. You have the ability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Remind yourself of that everyday.
Scheduling gym time in to a jam packed schedule is important, but there also may be a day where a gym visit will not fit in your schedule but suddenly you realize you don't have anywhere to be for the next 15 minutes. Don't be a victim of your day planner. Use those 15 minutes to your advantage. Aren't there days when the day goes by a little too fast and you don't have the chance to check everything off your list? Well there are also days that you may have an extra few minutes before you have to do the next thing. Why not do 50 crunches and then hit the obliques 50 times? Or do push-ups until you max out, then squats to rest your upper body then back to push-ups until you max out. Or if you don't mind being a little sweaty. Go for a run and try to beat your fastest mile time! Those extra 15 minute workouts can help transform your body and will be time better spent than starring into your fridge because you are bored and don't know what to do with your extra time.
Wake up every morning and remind yourself that you are responsible for your own actions. Do the things you want to do each day that make you feel happy and healthy. When you hit the pillow at night you won't be regretting what you could have done because you didn't just plan, you acted. You can be proud for putting your talk into action. I know from experience, you will sleep a little sounder at night.
Alright now... ready, set, GO!
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