Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Fashion and fitness are not separate worlds. Trends come and go in each and we tend to cringe as we look back on the days of what we used to think was cool. Luckily for our generation we have bypassed the days of 80s aerobic classes, head-to-toe lycra and leg-warmers. We even made it through the 90s where wearing your dad/brother/boyfriends oversized tee was cool and made even cooler when draped over swishy shorts (the shorts that literally made that swish noise).

In short, we are lucky to have the greatest fashion in fitness since who knows when. The clothes are so cute, you can wear them out running errands or to the salon. Or if you are like me, you can spend every waking hour of your life dressed head to toe in Lulu. It is true, I am a lululemon addict. Give me a closet of couture or a closet of lulu and the decision would not be easy. I mean technically you can't wear lulu to a premiere but I have worn it on a second date (although I felt good in that I didn't spring it on him in our first date- try not to judge). I cannot be allowed to shop in that store unsupervised and I avoid their website at all cost. I simply love the clothes. They are comfortable, wick away sweat and squeeze your butt in and up better than a pair of spanx. They also last for-ev-er. I bought my first pair of black "groove" pants six years ago, have worn them at least once a week since then, washed and dried them with the rest of my laundry and they look the same as they did the day I bought them. When you see that first daunting price tag, keep in mind the power of investment. Literally, they are the only item that has lasted 6 years in my closet (I am hard on my clothes and am quick to toss out anything remotely faded or outdated) and I love them just as much now as I did then. I stumbled across the store--or walked a 1/2 mile out of my way after lunch in order to stumble across it--this weekend with a freshly cashed pay check and well, this is what happened (see image). oops.
 The truth is, we are beyond the times when you wear the giant sweats you painted your living room in around town. Who wants to run into anyone in those old scrubs? And you know you always run into the exes or even worse the exes new girlfriends while you are in your most scrub-like clothing. Alas, you can be CUTE and COMFY. Throw away the old stained t-shirts and wear clothes that you feel good in! You deserve to reward your body with adorable clothing--even adorable fitness clothing. I know from experience even if you run into that loser old boyfriend just after finishing your hour long workout with zero make-up and hair glued to your head with the magical power of sweat, you will know at the very least he has something to be sorry for as you sashay away shaking that suctioned up sexy booty. And for that, to you lulu, I am forever grateful.

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