5. Get some sleep. Early to bed, early to rise- I dont care what hours you are sleeping, just aim for 8 hours a night. You would be amazed at how much energy you have when you get in a full night's rest.
4. Stay hydrated. Invest in a water bottle now. So many cute and purse friendly options, if you don't own one by now, get on it and get drinking!!! Please save the earth and your wallet and do not buy those Evian purified one-time use water bottles (save that money for lulu, helloooo). Aim for 64 ounces a day- If you use a 32 oz bottle you only have to suck down two of those a day! If you really need me to list off all the reasons why you should, I will be happy to on another day but for now, know that the more you drink the skinnier you will be, and aren't we trying to make everything fit here!?
3. Eat breakfast. The Special K commercials haven't convinced you yet? Then I don't know how I'm going to, but here is my shot: Your metabolism (calorie burner) goes to sleep when you do so you don't starve in your sleep, when you wake up it doesn't until you put those first calories into it. I recommend having a hearty breakfast- like greek yogurt (higher protein), with Kashi go-lean crunch (high yummy protein) with fresh fruit. I pair this with green tea to really give my digestive system a jump-start in the morning. When you start your day with a good hearty breakfast you will be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day.
2. Drink tea. Ohhh the power of tea. There are a plethora of delicious and nutritious options, each kind boasts another kind of healing power. I typically choose green which has powerful antioxidants and is believed to reduce risk of infection, cancer, heart disease, tooth decay, depression, headaches and what you all are most interested in- it helps burn calories. I'll drink to that!
1. Move your booty. Its a fitness blog, people, you should have guessed my number one! Save gas and park in the first spot you see, then walk from there. Take the stairs. I live on the 17th floor, the days I don't make it to the gym, you can bet your booty I run up those stairs. You will feel better when you do something! I won't even judge you if you get a pedometer step counter and strap it on your sneakers. You can see how many steps you take in a day. The goal is 10,000 steps which is about 5 miles. If you can get those steps in a day then you deserve that Kudos bar, go ahead, eat it all at once.
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