Everything fit means making those skinny jeans fit, fitting that yoga class into your 9-7 work schedule, fitting the fresh produce into your shopping cart, fitting into the size you can be, finding what workouts fit your lifestyle, fitting in the 10 extra minutes to meditate, allowing a glass of wine to fit into your daily calorie allotment. The truth is you can make EVERYTHING FIT!
This blog is not about pushing a round of protein powders, supplements and 2 hour workouts every day of the week. Instead, it is about living a life of movement. Finding a balance in life between making time for fitness and for going out with friends. I do not believe you have to choose to live a life as an extremist. Those that never eat sugar miss out on the fabulousity of a freshly baked cookie or pineapple infused creme brulee. Those that always go to sleep at 9 to wake up for the gym at 5 miss out on the nights dancing with their friends through last call until the bar closes and turns on all the lights (dancing in heels counts as a workout too people)! Those that avoid working out at all cost miss out on the feeling of accomplishment of sweating through their clothes and meeting a fitness goal. You do not have to know everything about fitness. You do not have to have the right clothes (although the right shoes are pretty crucial). You do not even have to work out at a gym. You just have to motivate yourself to get up and move.
There is no one way to a fit lifestyle. There is no easy way either. Living fit is a challenge. At first, it is a daily challenge or can even be a minute by minute challenge counting down the moments spent at the gym hoping your 30 minute allotment of cardio will end soon. But, as we grow stronger, working out does get easier! The harder I work the more I realize that the road has a way of beckoning me to run faster, the weights begging me for more reps, a new yoga class challenging me to try something different.
The goal of everything fit is to share my own fitness journey with you. I am a student of the Health Sciences, a group exercise instructor and a personal trainer. I work in my life to find a balance. Over the years I have at times been the everyday gym hamster (my pseudo affectionate term for the elliptical girls that go round and round on the machine all day) and I have also been a couch potato (believe it or not, months have gone by when I couldn't bring myself to so much as go for a walk outside). I have followed the "clean" diet eating plan, avoiding groups of foods and feeling deprived from my favorite things and I have had weeks where the only vegetables in my diet were the lettuce and tomato on my cheeseburger and the ketchup on my fries. I have seen my personal health and wellness yo-yo on each side of that pendulum based on how my exercise and eating routine is going. After years of swinging from side-to-side, I have found my somewhere in the middle. I am far from perfect, but that is the kind of perfection that I am promoting. Aiming for true perfection in diet, exercise or body composition is a recipe for insecurity, disappointment and insanity. Aiming to move everyday, eat nutrient rich foods as often as possible, drinking water, meditating and getting a good nights sleep are my essentials to balance. I will share with you my knowledge, personal experience and daily struggles in living a fit life.
Life is what you put into it. Exercise is the same. Throw yourself into it; before you know it, you can make everything fit.
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