Wednesday, November 7, 2012

YOU could be the next President

Your Playing Small does not Serve the World
Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are you not to be?
You are a child of God

Your playing small does not serve the world
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone
And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give
other people the right to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.

I wanted to share this with you all because it is these exact words that turned my world upside down. I am not the only one to think they are powerful because Nelson Mandela used the first part of this in his inauguration speech. The first time I read this poem, I cried. The first two lines put into words exactly how I had felt most of my life- "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure". Fear so often is the source that has held me back from chasing my dreams. When I made the move to LA to pursue acting, I let go of that fear. I still battle it each day and have to remember to keep it in check. But, I finally let go of the concept that these big hollywood "celebrities" were better than me, that what they did for a living was more noble than anything I could ever do. In spending more time in this business I have found that "celebrities" are just like me. I am equally capable of the great feats they have accomplished. They have put in the work, they have made the connections but they are not inherently better than I. We are all uniquely gifted and capable of anything we set our minds to. Literally, anything you can create in your mind, you can create in your world. If you want to be a billionaire, the next President or the next Angelina Jolie. You already have the heart for it and once you cultivate the desire, you will make it happen.

I encourage you today to face your fears, to realize your own potential, to dream bigger. You are worth the effort. "We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us", we are born to spread our inner light, our inner love. A world filled with love, for ourselves, for others and for the possibilities of humanity leaves no room for fear. DREAM BIG, LIVE BIGGER.

If I had lived in fear and continued to shrink at the opportunity to succeed, no one would have given me a crown ;) Now its your turn to shine!

Friday, October 19, 2012

How one "BOOM" changed everything

As "Here Comes the Boom" has reached the number 5 spot in box office hits I can't help but be grateful and a bit shocked at how this one movie changed my life. May of 2011 I was preparing to graduate with a Health Science degree from Boston University. I was working as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer and had big plans of moving to the west coast to further study fitness and build my fitness empire. Then I got an email from a local photographer that said they are casting model types for a feature film starring Kevin James and Selma Hayek and that he could get me into the casting. I thought it seemed like a good opportunity. He asked me to send my headshot and resume. My resume was full of my health science education and fitness background and my head-shots were in black and white from the waist up (for the actors that are reading this feel free to cringe at the thought of me walking into an audition armed with THAT). 

I walked into a room full of beautiful girls, but only felt moderately nervous when they called my name. When you walk into an audition for a featured role with nothing to lose, carrying no pressure from the acting classes I had never taken, knowing my life would continue as usual if I did not get the part, the pressure is minimal. I walked into what was my first impression of what an acting audition was. There were six men seated at a table at the back of a large room (thankfully I didn't know at the time that those men were the big time Hollywood producers of the movie). A man working the video camera asked me to slate. I didn't know what that was so I made it up. It went something like "I am Olivia, I'm 5'11'', a photographer guy told me to come to this audition. I am a student at Boston University and I am into fitness although I don't know that much about MMA, but I could totally by a ring girl because I have taken a few boxing classes". Luckily, this crew found that speech endearing instead of unprofessional and apparently one of the producers had a daughter that was going to BU in the fall so I offered some advice on wearing layers in the cold temperatures and joining the social groups on campus. I left the room shaking each of their hands and thanking them for their time. Since I was naive to how an audition should go, I left thinking I had a shot and hoped that it would work out because it would be fun to work on a feature film.

Against all odds, I got a call about a week later. There would be a fitting and then three days of shooting, they assured me I would get a SAG voucher for each day (I didn't know what that meant). Finals were coming up and I knew I couldn't afford to miss my last few classes, but, I decided to embrace seniorititis and take the risk for the unique life experience. It was certainly an experience. I got to be on set of a major motion picture. I saw the amazing work and extremely long hours that went into film production. I got to shake the hands of the stars and get advice from a very kind and gracious Henry Winkler (The Fonz). I felt like I was pinching myself each day. The other ring girls were less thrilled, they complained on the long hours and the long breaks. I was enthralled by the whole process. As I sat there each day with a front row seat watching this amazing creation come together, I realized my life passion was not just fitness--My passion was in entertainment! I had just always been too scared to pursue it. This featured role was my introduction. It ignited a fire in me that I had not previously even known existed.  My plans for moving to California immediately altered from "build a fitness empire" to "be a leading lady". 

Armed with nothing but a SAG card and that fire in my heart, I did make that move. The last 17 months of my life have been a roller coaster of lessons. One hugely important lesson is getting cast as a leading lady is quite different than getting cast as a local hire featured background. Do not for one second think that I have skated easily through this town armed only with a cute face and charming personality. I have taken classes in technique, scene study, improv, audition technique, commercial audition technique, voice and movement, self-realization,  and character analysis. I have busted my butt with a personal trainer- thats right, the personal trainer become the trainee! I have dyed my hair to get the part and then spent months dying it back to get the next role. I have felt the heartache of rejection more times than I can count. I have been laughed at. I have been yelled at. I have been told more than once to "go back to middle America" and "you will never be a star". I have gotten the call back, been put on hold and never gotten the job. I have gotten the job and been downgraded on set. I have worked the job and never gotten paid. It has not been easy every day. But that fire is still burning strong and I want to one day prove to all the naysayers that I can do it, that I did find my life path that week on "Here Comes the Boom", that all the work that I have put in and will continue to put in will pay off in a huge way. Mostly, I want to prove to myself that I can do it, that I can reach this goal and live the life that I spent a lifetime dreaming about.

If you see "Here Comes the Boom" feel free to think of me and how with one little stroke of luck my whole outlook on life was altered. That one casting convinced me to chase my dreams. So thank you to the director and producers: Frank Coraci, Mary P. Ewing, Gino Falsetto, Kevin James and Todd Garner. Thank you for giving me the chance to work on this amazing production. Thank you for inadvertently encouraging me to follow my wildest dreams. And although I know the ring girl scenes were cut from the film. I am far more grateful for the experience and the encouragement to chase the leading roles that I now get to audition for. 

May you all discover and pursue your passions to the fullest each day. And may all of your wildest dreams become the happiest of realities!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here is to happy drinking!

If you read my blog, you know my dedication to hydration. I truly believe that getting hydrated (for those that aren't) will change your life. If you want energy, drink more water. If you want a flat stomach, drink more water. If you want clear skin, drink water! It seems so simple but so many people under-hydrate or dehydrate. Aim for half of your body weight in consumed ounces (64 ounces/8 glasses for 128 pound people).  If you are a caffeine or alcohol drinker, you need to be drinking twice as much water as caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. And if you work out, drink an extra glass for every hour of sweat session you partake in.

If you have spent any time with me, you know my dedication to carrying a water bottle with me at all times. In high school, I went with the gallon jug. I trucked it around like a badge of honor of my hydrated body. But there is something about a gallon jug that screams impracticality while driving to auditions and going to the movies with friends. I then transfered to genius bottle with a straw attached. I made my way through college with my "sippy cup" as my friends so affectionately nicknamed it. Alas, it spilled and leaked all over me, my purse and my car too many times to rationalize its continued use, SO I have moved on to my new water bottle go to- the ECO bottle!

I can feel good knowing that the bottle stays locked, tight and sealed in my purse or rolling around in my car. The dual lid makes it possible to add ice or lemon wedges to the bottle and have access to clean it thoroughly at the end of the day. And the small lid can be used when drinking out of the bottle through the day with a lessened risk of dumping half a bottle on to what will surely be your most sheer white t-shirt.

Be Eco friendly. Don't waste precious resources or your precious cash on plastic bottles. Buy a refillable bottle and stay hydrated! Here is to happy drinking!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Best 'Get Skinny' Tips

1. Be realistic. Base your "skinny" on how you feel at a certain weight, how clothes fit you and how much energy you have. NOT on how skinny your friends, coworkers, prepubescent teens or Kate Moss look this month.

2. Self LOVE. Realize that if your skinny jeans don't zip this week that doesn't make you bad or wrong. It is an off week for your jeans and don't stress because Lululemon pants are more comfortable anyway. Also, it is perfectly normal for weight to fluctuate a few pounds during each day and throughout the month (ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A WOMAN). So go easy on YOU and know that you will get back to the basics of your eating and workout plan and those extra five pounds will fall off naturally. Never weigh yourself more than once a week (and only weigh yourself that often if you are actively losing weight). The scale is not the best indication of how you look and feel. You can turn five pounds of fat into muscle without the scale budging, but the way your clothes fit and HOW YOU FEEL will be the best indicators of that change.
Give yourself a self-hug. Look in the mirror and say you are sexy. Then find a figure flattering outfit that allows you to relax your tummy for today.

3. HYDRATE. I cannot reiterate this point enough. People that are skinny drink excessive amounts of water. When you are hydrated you digest food more completely, have more energy and stay full longer. Go for half of your body weight in ounces- if you weigh 140 lbs drink 70 ounces a day minimum! Bring a refillable water bottle with you everywhere you go so you will remember to stay hydrated (I'll allow you to skip black tie affairs with your bottle but thats it!) If you are a soda drinker (even diet soda), you will be amazed at how your body responds to drinking water instead and you will lose weight and feel better from making that one change in your diet. I recently gave up diet soda. I have gone two weeks without drinking any soda and had a sip of one yesterday and realized I have already lost my taste for it. I now prefer water with my popcorn snack. It was hard to forgo soda the first week, but stick to it and you will notice a huge difference in your energy and your belly bloat!

4. Slow down on the alcohol. I am a huge believer in having fun, but as I have grown older I realize that fun and alcohol are not synonymous.  When you are having several drinks a night it seems like everyone else is doing the same, but slow your roll and you will realize many people nurse the same drink all night, or separate their alcoholic drinks with an in-between water (YAY for hydrators). If you go out for long nights dancing, set a pace before you hit the dance floor. "I will have no more than 3 drinks today." That way you won't be tempted to keep throwing them back and losing track over the night. You also will likely cut out shots from your routine, which is a good way to stay in check of how much each drink is affecting you. By setting limits you will enjoy your night more, cut the crazy calorie intake of alcoholic drinks and have energy the next morning for a workout.

5. Snack Smart. I keep an apple, almonds and Skinny Bits in my purse. While running errands or working you often forget to eat when you get hungry. Having lean protein and fiber on hand is a great way to resist starving your body and craving the drive-in for a quick fix by the end of the day. When you drink water and snack on healthy snacks, you avoid wild blood sugar dips and will not be craving cupcakes or french fries by 4 pm. Starving yourself is never an effective way to lose weight. Keep your body feeling nicely satisfied all day and you will keep your metabolism moving and avoid the need to binge until you are stuffed.

Child-size, mini and sample are the best sizes :)
6. Avoid saying "I CAN'T". This tip is true for every aspect of your life. Even The Little Engine that Could taught us "I think I can", never I can't. So when you are on the path to a healthier life and someone offers you a slice of birthday cake please don't respond "I can't". It sets up a complex in your mind that there are things that are not allowed or forbidden. Just as we all learned as pre-teens, when something is not allowed it becomes more appealing. Change your language. It is never that you can't eat at that restaurant or that you can't order french fries or your fourth glass of wine or a shot of tequila, it is just that you "won't". You can do anything you want. Food has no power over you. So when a food comes up that you know will tip the scale or make you feel sluggish for the rest of the day just say "no thanks" and know in your head that you could have that cake, but you won't because you are focused on feeling your very best!
My friend, Kira, just taught me the genius trick of mentally telling yourself, "I can have it later" when it comes to dessert. This works phenomally for me because I am a sweets junky. So at the end of the meal when the waiter offers the dessert menu, I decline with the inner thought that if I am still hungry in an hour I can go get frozen yogurt. An hour later, I have digested more of my dinner and no longer am craving the sugar rush. If I still have my sweet tooth, I will make decaf green tea with a drop of honey knowing "I can always have dessert if I still want it later." Allow yourself to have something if you continue to want it, just don't over indulge. I believe everything is allowed in a healthy diet. Just use good judgement and smart portion sizes for high-fat and calorie dense foods.

(For more tips, see 5 things you can start doing today!)

It is so empowering to put yourself in charge of your health instead of following rigid rules and "I can't" philosophies. Your body is an amazing machine and when you feed and hydrate it well you will start to appreciate just how much your body loves being healthy. I hope that you can stay motivated and happy on your path to overall fitness. But, most importantly, LOVE YOURSELF for all that you are. I used to hate my thighs, I have to actively practice saying "I love you thighs," "You are strong, long and lean." I have come to realize that my legs are my best asset and even a possible source of my income, hello body parts modeling.  It may seem silly at first to use positive affirmations on what you have previously viewed as a body flaw, but trust me, you can change anything when you send it infinite amounts of positive energy. The more you love you, the more your body will respond to getting in the best shape of your life.

Health and happiness,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Getting back to health one bit at a time

It's been a long hot summer. As it is coming to an end I'm starting to see the results of my newfound summer routine-- traveling, eating, spending time at the beach and going to a few too many margarita happy hours. What is a girl to do when the long summer days get shorter and the promise of fall fashion weeks and pilot auditions are on the horizon?
It's time to get back to health! I am an Everything Fit girl through and through, but I also have an insatiable sweet tooth and a jam-packed schedule. When the summer temperatures hit their peak, I found myself abandoning my running schedule and finding more room in my diet for french fries. It happens, and you know what, it's okay to fall off the fitness wagon as long as you get motivated to get back up again!

I needed a little extra motivation since energy had plummeted as my gym schedule and eating habits had become lax. When you interrupt a steady gym routine it can be hard to remember how you used to get out of bed an hour earlier just to run around and lift weights.

I found my extra kick through my friend, Chrissy, recommending Bits of Health. They have algae tabs (mint-sized algae supplements) to help a variety of needs. For me, Recovery bits prevent an all-day slump after a morning workout and Skinny bits provide a high boost of complete protein pre-workout and between meals. They are one calorie a piece and are all natural (no cafffeine, sugar, or chemicals). I am always skeptical to try new fitness trends (pills especially) but it turns out algae is food. So it felt more like adding a wheatgrass shot to my day (and tasted similar) rather than popping a chemical compound. They have been a great way for me to protein up and power through my day. As I combed my favorite magazines, Shape and Women's Health, hoping to be inspired by the toned bodies of the models or the never ending list of ways to "Shrink your belly". The six pack abs were helpful to reminding me to buckle down, but I also found more evidence that algae is the new way to get in extra protein! According to the July/August issue of Women's Health "Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is a surprisingly good source of protein with all eight essential amino acids and up to six times the iron content of red meat. Research has all shown that it may help your immune system fight off infections." Skinny bits are 100% pure spirulina algae, so I feel good knowing a can chew or swallow these little bits to help keep me healthy.

I dislike "diets". I don't believe in self-deprivation or starvation. "Bits of Health" and I share the same philosophy: It is not about what you take away from your diet, it's about what you add to your health regimen. If you need to get back to your health, focus on the things that you can do more of: increase your water, protein, vegetables, fruit, and your vitamin intake and put in more hours at the gym. When you do start adding these things to your life, you will have less room in your tummy for a midday french fry snack and less late night cravings for cupcakes and ice-cream. When you focus on what you shouldn't be having, it's all you can think about! You feel deprived and let down and increase your risk of failure in your new healthy lifestyle.

Getting back to your fitness goals can be a challenge. I recommend going after it one bit at a time. Find what motivates you. Get excited about it. Practice it. Stick to it. And get back to your health!

Friday, June 22, 2012

"Love is all you need"

I feel that there is one focal point that we can use every day to make our lives better. I believe that LOVE can make our days beautiful and our lives worth living. I don't just mean romantic love, although that type of love can bring an immense amount of happiness to your life. I want to recognize the power of all-encompassing love. Love is the feeling you aim to have for your job, your friends, the people you work with, your home, your ride to work, your meals, the barista at Starbucks that makes your chai latte with soy milk, and perhaps most importantly for yourself. Love is the ultimate source of energy.

Imagine if you woke up each day and your first thought was "I love this day". And then you stepped out of your bed and went to brush your teeth and thought "I love my Crest Sonic Brush" and eventually you made into your car on the way to work and thought "I love LA traffic".  It may seem extreme or downright crazy and the last example probably is both, but to focus on approaching every aspect of your life from a place of love changes your perspective and makes every step of your daily routine full of positive energy.

The Beatles said it best when they said "All you need is love. Love is all you need."

You may be wondering if I practice what I preach. Putting love into everything is a concept I discovered several months ago. I must admit it is not yet a part of my core behaviors but I do try to apply love to everything I do and every person I interact with. The days that I remember to come at every situation from a place of love the more I experience joy in my life.

My amazing support team
I recently competed in my very first pageant, to be the first Miss Santa Monica USA. I came into the process wanted to meet new people, make friends, and get more involved in the community where I live. Yes, I also planned on winning, but it wasn't my first priority. The weekend of the pageant, my family and close friends came in town to support me. The love that radiates around the most important people in my life traveling across the country to celebrate and encourage me infused a brand new joy in my core. I felt so much love sitting down with all of them the night before the pageant. Bob, Jill, Allie, Mimi, Margo, Kira, Colin, Taylor, Katie, Revan, Maura- I cannot even explain how much loving energy radiated off of this group coming together to support me.

Me with the fabulous Miss Santa Monica
The pageant day was an unforgettable experience of my life. All the girls came together with anticipation for what was to come. Many, like me, were entering their first pageant. I came into this day with so much love in my heart I felt I was exploding with energy. There was lots of talking, some dancing and even a few short lived group ab routines that we did before our big moment on stage. I had so much love for the girls with dreams equally large as mine, ranging from athletes to musicians to neuroscience/ engineering majors, we were a diverse group of individuals. But regardless of who we were, the energy of the day was contagious between us. All I experienced that day was love. My entourage sat in the first two rows and I could feel them looking up at me proud of me for branching out into a new world of pageantry. Their support infused me with love. As you may know, I did not win this pageant. After being first called in the top ten announcement, I was not called to be in the top five. The defeat was momentarily disappointing but the experience was something I will always carry with me as a day of joy, friendship and personal growth. Who knew I could impress a group of judges in a one-on-one interview but disappoint the same group during an onstage question? It was all chance at a lesson that will push me to work harder in other areas of my life and move forward in my future experiences. If I see the end result as an unfair question or unfair judgement, I am left helpless to make any changes. When I can look at the experience from a point of love, I can see the opportunity for future growth. So I chose love. From that place I can see where I could have done better and how the winner was most deserving of the crown.

<3 Miss Santa Monica Haley Fletcher is a beautiful choice to represent the community. A California native that focuses on furthering her education and personal growth while staying active in loving the people around and bettering her community. I can't imagine anyone more worthy of the title. And I am so blessed to be able to call her a friend.

When you remember to love, you will be rewarded.
So I encourage you and remind myself that with love, your life will prosper. It has been proven in clinical tests that people that have love and respect for their body have an easier time losing weight than people that hate their flaws. So when you recognize recent weight gain, remind yourself how much you love your body, your curves, your strength, but commit to making it better, rather than attack it for what is wrong. When interacting with the people in your life, you will find that people mirror how you treat them. Treat others with love and you will receive love in return. Come from a place of love in every aspect of your life. When you do, you will experience more love from people and from the world around you. When you see the world is beautiful, it will be such. When you see your body as strong, you will make it so. Stay positive, remember to love.

My sister recently shared a quote from "Eat, Pray, Love" that I find very powerful and a good thought to meditate on and work towards.

I think [we] have the capacity to one day love the whole world.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes

Just ONE YEAR ago today my family flew out to the east coast to celebrate my graduation from Boston University. At the time I was thrilled, scared, excited, nervous, anxious, tired and a dozen other adjectives all at once. College graduation was my goal since Kindergarten. It was the expectation of myself, my parents and my extended family that I would get my bachelor's degree. I put in 16 years of long days, homework, all night cramming and the occasional socializing break, but I finally attained my goal. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Health Sciences. 

Much to my surprise, this was not the greatest accomplishment of my young life, or even of 2011. The next month I ran my first 1/2 marathon (a goal that initially had terrified me). Two months later I packed up my car like a Tetris game, found my sister to be an obliging passenger and drove across the country to Los Angeles. I knew a half a dozen people in the city, I had no job, no agent, no training or experience, little knowledge of the business, but I had BIG plans. Within a week I moved in, signed with a top agent and booked my first photoshoot. A month later, I booked my first TV show "Two and Half Men" and a trip to New York that would pay me 4 figures per day to model in front of thousands of people. I cried the day I booked that job. I didn't cry because I am over emotional (although that is also true). I cried because I realized that anything is possible. My whole life was ahead of me.

So that is my message for you- anything is possible. If you are staring at your diploma wondering what you are supposed to do now. Don't fret. Follow your heart. Don't be afraid to pursue a career that your degree doesn't necessarily support. Don't be afraid to move even further away from your family or to move back home if thats where your heart leads you. There is no easy track to success. It also doesn't have to be hard. When you focus on the meager job market or high cost of living you will experience a limited job search and bills you can't pay. Focus on the positive. You have so much to offer. Walk into every interview with the knowledge that they would be lucky to have you burnt into your mind. 

In my line of work, I interview every day; each audition is a new job, a new company, a new boss, a freshly printed resume. So I have a lot to say on the interviewing process. My tips in nailing an interview- be yourself, show your passion, be knowledgeable about the company you are interviewing for and be patient. Don't get discouraged, there are so many jobs out there. Everything really does happen for a reason. As long as you keep pressing forward everything will work out as it should. The universe supports you. Your future is better than you can even imagine now. Good luck. May you live the life of your dreams and be happy.

Your degree is not the ultimate goal, it is the first major step in accomplishing your dreams. Enjoy your graduation weekend, enjoy your accomplishments, enjoy your life. As Katie Couric so wisely said in her graduation speech to the BU 2011 grad's:

Find the joy and when you feel it, let it wash over you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's your passion?

After my second year of college, I was having a casual conversation where I was asked "what is your passion?" This seemed like a simple enough question. My passions should be the center point of my life driving me through my day to day activities. Instead of responding adamantly about the things that made me tick, I felt exasperated as I tried to come up with an intelligible answer. I could not think of one thing. Everything I was doing at the time I felt I was doing because I "should" be doing it. I could think of a few things I enjoyed doing, but when someone asks you what you are passionate about, it doesn't seem fitting to respond with "reality tv" and "cupcakes". What was it that got me going? What did I love? What would I fight for?

This one question started a turning point in my life. I decided there that I would not only find my passion but I would live it. Thus started a a three year journey to lead me to where I am today. I feel I not only discovered my passion (hint: it was in me all along) but I discovered a way to live passionately. I was afraid of what I knew in my heart I loved. I have always dreamed of being an actress and a model but they never felt like a "realisitic" lifestyle. I felt I should lead my life in a responsible way, in a safe way. When I was living in a way that I felt "should" be, instead of what I desired to be doing, I felt restless, discontent, and often very sad and alone. I felt everyone around me was on the right track to create the life they desired and I was just wandering around aimlessly. I was denying my passion, choosing to live in fear, instead of choosing to follow my heart and live in love. It took a huge amount of courage that I had to find to realize that being afraid of something doesn't mean that I can't do something. Often fear shows us the ways we can become the strongest version of ourselves. I took the plunge, discovered my passion and decided to live in it. I truly ENJOY my days and ENJOY my life. I didn't know how great life could be until I started to follow my heart.

I encourage everyone in a journey of self discovery to find what you are passionate about. What do you desire? What do you have enthusiasm about? Write down your thoughts. Write down every little thing that brings that warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy. Don't write down what you feel you "should" be passionate about, what your family wishes you were passionate about or what you wish you were passionate about. After coming up with a list of several things that bring about enthusiasm, meditate on these positive thoughts for at least 10 minutes. Sit or lay silently without distraction and envision the very things you are passionate about. I have a list and try to focus on a different item on that list each day. I always walk away feeling inspired and up-lifted. When you discover your passion, you can discover how to live passionately, so make your list and unleash your inner passion for life.

Here is what I am passionate about, in no particular order, with no self-doubt or judgement....

Dogs, specifically puppies and pugs 
Watching the waves come in 
(The very best to combine 1 through 4, puppies on the beach-- aaah)
Breaking a sweat in a challenging workout
Keeping family close
Loving purely and freely
Allowing myself to be loved
Accomplishing a goal
Acting and simply being on set
Expressing emotion on camera
Exploring a character
Watching movies (with popcorn)
Women's equality 
Spreading awareness of disease prevention
Finding a cure
Making someone smile
Making someone laugh
Laughing until my stomach hurts
Stopping/preventing/eliminating sex trafficking
Protecting children
Protecting animals
Exploring the world 
Personal Growth, Self Exploration, Self Realization

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, March 23, 2012

One Step at a Time

Oh me oh my. Through a crazy week of auditions and talks about the future with agents and potential clients, I get so antsy to see where my career will go.
I want success. I want it so bad that it is hard to sleep some nights. I have a hard time putting my phone down on the off chance the next call coming in could be my "big break".  I run all over town in stiletto heels with my portfolio and stacks of head shots in my purse on the off chance that between auditions, gym time and running errands I bump into someone that will tell me they want to change my life. If this unlikely event occurs that merely walking down the street will get the attention of Steven Spielberg, surely he will say, "I must have your headshot and resume now, or I will never wish to see you again."

I am beyond grateful that my ambition to succeed in this business gets me out of bed each morning, eager to see what my day will bring. But there is a point that I need to take a step back, put the phone down and breathe. My friend Miller Davis, who also lives in LA, just reminded me of the quote:
"Do what you can today."
Such a simple thought, "do what you can today", yet, for me, so powerful. I can take acting classes, take pictures for my portfolio, find agents, but am I going to be able to impress Steven Spielberg just by walking down the street? Probably not. I will work my way up to audition for a major feature film. My agents will do their job and submit me for every role I fit, I will do my job and study my craft. I will learn from each step in the process on how to be the best I can be. I cannot force success to happen.

The crazy part is, I know I can have the success I dream of. It is in my future. I have the drive and the growing skill set to make every one of my dreams come true. We all have it in us to make our dreams our reality. But, if we cannot enjoy each step of the process, then we won't be able to enjoy the realization of our dreams. I must remind myself each day that it is simply one step at a time.

So what is the next step for me? I would like to book a major campaign to solidify that I have what it takes to compete in this town.
The universe has a funny way of revealing to us ways to make our dreams happen. Upon realizing the next step I would like to accomplish, I stumbled upon a contest that allows girls to compete to be the face of BCBGMaxAzria's Spring line. The top ten girls will win a photo shoot and some of BCBG's latest styles. From the top ten, reps from the company will choose the winner and the new face of their line. So this is what I can do today-- Reach out to all the people out there trying to make their dreams come true and ask for a huge favor-- Will you help me take the next step?

Click on the link and vote:

Olivia Jordan for face of BCBG

When it comes to making your dreams come true, the path may be long, but as long as you keep taking one step forward, you are moving in the right direction.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How do I get into modeling?

Since I started publicizing my adventures in modeling, I have gotten lots of questions about what it takes to get into this business. I'll give you all of the knowledge I have gained over the years in hopes that it will help you get your foot in the door. I have been so blessed to be able to make money through high school and college and now to make a living in this business. But, It is a hard and often disappointing business and it is full of competition. You will have the most success if you are motivated to succeed and passionate about what you are doing. You  need to make sure you have what it takes to beat out thousands of other girls. You absolutely must be photogenic, be able to walk and be able to exude confidence on camera and onstage. You can learn all of these things! And to a lucky few, these things come naturally. Make sure you constantly are working on the skills to be the best you can be in your field. Most importantly, have fun! Be free to be you and enjoy each moment of your career.
Here are my answers to the most asked question:

How do I get into modeling?
You must have pictures. To prove to an agent or client that you can work a camera you must have pictures to show them what you are made of. To get pictures, network! Find professional photographers, make-up artist, hair stylist in your area and ask to do TFP (time for prints). TFP or test shoots means that you will not get paid and you will not pay them, you all will simply exchange photos to help you both build your portfolios. When starting a portfolio, start simple. You need images with beautiful lighting, light make-up and simple hair to show off just how beautiful you are. Show off your body. Do shots in swimsuits, modest lingerie or athletic wear to show off your figure. You can use social media sites as an outlet to make more connections. If you post pictures on these sites make sure they represent you in the most flattering light.

Do I need an agent?
If you want to model as anything more than a hobby, you need a modeling agent. You can search for agents online or ask people that are working who their agent is. Some agencies accept online submissions. Most have an open call day once a week or once a month where you can go in with pictures, wearing heels and a flattering outfit and meet an agent with an opportunity to sign with them. There are agents in every city across the US. Modeling agents generally take 20% of each job that you book. But for that 20% loss you get so much. Legitimate agents will assure that you DO get paid for each job you do, that you are hired on legitimate jobs, and can act as your mentor on how to get booked on more jobs. They often will set you up on test shoots and offer runway training to help you get in the best position to work. Also, in modeling you have the luxury of getting agents in multiple areas of the nation. If you live in a small town, reach out to agents in all the large cities surrounding you. If you live in a big city, reach out to other agents in surrounding cities and let them know you are willing and able to travel. The best way to book more work is to work with agents across the country (ideally across the world) that all believe in you and push you out there. It is simple math, if one person is sending you out for jobs, you only have the number of chances that they can offer you, if you have 5 people sending you out, you have 5 times the chances of getting hired. So spread your wings and get represented.

How can I gain experience?
1) Study. Buy magazines, look at current campaigns online, watch fashion shows on Youtube, watch videos of photo shoots online. You have so many opportunities to see what the very best in the business are doing. Take those chances and learn from the success of others.
2) Practice. Like all things in life, modeling takes practice to get better. It took me a long time to accept that I was not improving by simply going through the motions. I kept seeing the same mistakes in each of my pictures and all my shoots looked the same! A model needs to be versatile. You have to be able to exude sweet to sassy in a matter of seconds. Practice poses in the mirror. Know your angles. Know when your body look the best. But, don't let too much practice trap you in the same several poses. Let it open you up to trying different things and taking chances on film. Do as many test shoots as you can. Ask photographers for feedback about what they would like to see from you. Practice walking. Ask friends to watch you and give feedback. Ask your agent to give you feedback. Tape yourself. All of these things will open you up to what you are doing right and what you can improve on.
You can always improve!!! Unless you are Gisele, in which case, you are not reading a blog on how to model.

What size should I be?
People of all heights, shapes, sizes and types DO make it in this industry. It makes me sad that most girls that approach me about modeling say as the first thing that they need to lose a significant amount of weight. If you feel you need to lose an excessive amount of weight than you may need to reconsider if this is something you really want to pursue. I recommend breaking into modeling representing the very best version of you! For me, I had to realize that I have hips, musclular thighs and that I fill out a bra. It was unrealistic for me to try to compete with the stick thin (often 15 year old) models that make up the high fashion industry. I found models that I felt respresented more of my "type". Girls like Marissa Miller, Brooklyn Decker and Kate Upton had a similar body type to me and were making an incredibly successful career out of it. I keep up with those girls and see what companies they work for, what kind of shoots they are doing, who is representing them, and I try to look for similar things for my career. If I studied Kate Moss, I would always fall short. You must be realistic as to what "type" you are and EMBRACE what you have. Most auditions come down to the amount of confidence you exude in the room and on camera, if you are starving yourself or hating your body you will not be able to exude the confidence it takes to get booked.

I got an audition, now what?
Congratulations, you got your foot in the door. Now is your chance to make an impression. Wear a body flattering outfit. I generally wear a short cotton dress with stilettos so they can see my legs- my best asset :) Wear something that looks great on YOU and that YOU feel great in. Too many girls come dressed in oversized sweaters and clunky shoes, they may look beautiful but you can't tell what their body looks like and the client needs to know who they are hiring.
Come with your pictures. If you have signed with an agency, they will give you a portfolio where you will put your pictures and a comp card with images, your measurements and your agents contact information that you will leave with the client. Walk into the meeting with CONFIDENCE! Believe that you will book the job. Know that you are a valuable commodity. You will be greeted by 5-500 amazon girls likely that look much like you do. Do not let them intimidate you. You are all here for the same reason. Technically you are in competition, but if you are auditioning often, you will start to see these girls all the time. Make friends! If one girl beats you out for this job, you might beat her out for the next. Or you may end up both booking the job together and you will regret giving her the evil eye in the audition room when you spend a 12 hour shoot day together.
Don't lose any sleep over not booking. There is always work. Book the next one.

I hope all this helps you get started in the crazy world of modeling. I have been so blessed to experience the fun and adventure of this business. I hope that you will make all of your modeling dreams come true.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back to the Blog

It has been an excessively long time since I last blogged. Mind you, that doesn't mean that I have run out of things to say. On the contrary, I just couldn't find a focus of what I should share with the world.

A lot has changed since I started this blog a year ago. I was a health science student working at a gym everyday in Boston, where it made sense to share fitness tips and motivation each day. Now I am an actress, model and most recently a pageant contestant living in Los Angeles where I am still finding my way. When making a drastic life change like this, it takes some time to figure out what your schedule looks like, how to get places, and when you can utilize free time. It took me seven months in LA to discover-- I have no set schedule, my GPS is still needed and I usually don't realize that I have free time until its over. I work each day to move forward in my career. In the past year, I have made leaps. I discovered my passion was to be on camera and moved across the country to a place where I knew very few people to pursue that dream. I am now living in Los Angeles, a city that offers endless possibilities for where my career will take me. I have agents working with me to get me work and get my face out there. I am taking classes to better my craft as an aspiring actress. I have joined the SAG union, a necessary step in my field. I have been working(!!!) and through work have had the chance to meet amazing people--people that I look up to in this industry and motivate me to press forward in my quest to fulfill my dreams. I am right on track for where I want to be in the world. I am living my dream, but it took getting to LA and becoming a working actress and model to realize my dream is much larger than simply to work, but to be someone that makes a difference. I want to make a difference in the world, leave an impact in my field of work. I want to inspire, I want to motivate, I want each person to "live the life you have imagined"(Henry David Thereaou).

I would like this blog to be an open forum of a journey. I come to you not as a fitness expert, not as a supermodel, not as a famous actress, not as a pageant winner, but as a woman on a mission.  I figure out my life one step at a time and when I get it right, I want to share my success with you, and hope to motivate your own success. When I am struggling to reach my goals, I will look to inspiring stories and quotes and aim to reinvigorate myself and you. If you would like to be part of my journey, check back in. Always feel free to comment on posts, ask questions and share your stories and quotes.
In the meantime keep in mind: