Since I started publicizing my adventures in modeling, I have gotten lots of questions about what it takes to get into this business. I'll give you all of the knowledge I have gained over the years in hopes that it will help you get your foot in the door. I have been so blessed to be able to make money through high school and college and now to make a living in this business. But, It is a hard and often disappointing business and it is full of competition. You will have the most success if you are motivated to succeed and passionate about what you are doing. You need to make sure you have what it takes to beat out thousands of other girls. You absolutely must be photogenic, be able to walk and be able to exude confidence on camera and onstage. You can learn all of these things! And to a lucky few, these things come naturally. Make sure you constantly are working on the skills to be the best you can be in your field. Most importantly, have fun! Be free to be you and enjoy each moment of your career.

Here are my answers to the most asked question:
How do I get into modeling?
You must have pictures. To prove to an agent or client that you can work a camera you must have pictures to show them what you are made of. To get pictures, network! Find professional photographers, make-up artist, hair stylist in your area and ask to do TFP (time for prints). TFP or test shoots means that you will not get paid and you will not pay them, you all will simply exchange photos to help you both build your portfolios. When starting a portfolio, start simple. You need images with beautiful lighting, light make-up and simple hair to show off just how beautiful you are. Show off your body. Do shots in swimsuits, modest lingerie or athletic wear to show off your figure. You can use social media sites as an outlet to make more connections. If you post pictures on these sites make sure they represent you in the most flattering light.
Do I need an agent?
If you want to model as anything more than a hobby, you need a modeling agent. You can search for agents online or ask people that are working who their agent is. Some agencies accept online submissions. Most have an open call day once a week or once a month where you can go in with pictures, wearing heels and a flattering outfit and meet an agent with an opportunity to sign with them. There are agents in every city across the US. Modeling agents generally take 20% of each job that you book. But for that 20% loss you get so much. Legitimate agents will assure that you DO get paid for each job you do, that you are hired on legitimate jobs, and can act as your mentor on how to get booked on more jobs. They often will set you up on test shoots and offer runway training to help you get in the best position to work. Also, in modeling you have the luxury of getting agents in multiple areas of the nation. If you live in a small town, reach out to agents in all the large cities surrounding you. If you live in a big city, reach out to other agents in surrounding cities and let them know you are willing and able to travel. The best way to book more work is to work with agents across the country (ideally across the world) that all believe in you and push you out there. It is simple math, if one person is sending you out for jobs, you only have the number of chances that they can offer you, if you have 5 people sending you out, you have 5 times the chances of getting hired. So spread your wings and get represented.
How can I gain experience?
1) Study. Buy magazines, look at current campaigns online, watch fashion shows on Youtube, watch videos of photo shoots online. You have so many opportunities to see what the very best in the business are doing. Take those chances and learn from the success of others.
2) Practice. Like all things in life, modeling takes practice to get better. It took me a long time to accept that I was not improving by simply going through the motions. I kept seeing the same mistakes in each of my pictures and all my shoots looked the same! A model needs to be versatile. You have to be able to exude sweet to sassy in a matter of seconds. Practice poses in the mirror. Know your angles. Know when your body look the best. But, don't let too much practice trap you in the same several poses. Let it open you up to trying different things and taking chances on film. Do as many test shoots as you can. Ask photographers for feedback about what they would like to see from you. Practice walking. Ask friends to watch you and give feedback. Ask your agent to give you feedback. Tape yourself. All of these things will open you up to what you are doing right and what you can improve on.
You can always improve!!! Unless you are Gisele, in which case, you are not reading a blog on how to model.
What size should I be?
People of all heights, shapes, sizes and types DO make it in this industry. It makes me sad that most girls that approach me about modeling say as the first thing that they need to lose a significant amount of weight. If you feel you need to lose an excessive amount of weight than you may need to reconsider if this is something you really want to pursue. I recommend breaking into modeling representing the very best version of you! For me, I had to realize that I have hips, musclular thighs and that I fill out a bra. It was unrealistic for me to try to compete with the stick thin (often 15 year old) models that make up the high fashion industry. I found models that I felt respresented more of my "type". Girls like Marissa Miller, Brooklyn Decker and Kate Upton had a similar body type to me and were making an incredibly successful career out of it. I keep up with those girls and see what companies they work for, what kind of shoots they are doing, who is representing them, and I try to look for similar things for my career. If I studied Kate Moss, I would always fall short. You must be realistic as to what "type" you are and EMBRACE what you have. Most auditions come down to the amount of confidence you exude in the room and on camera, if you are starving yourself or hating your body you will not be able to exude the confidence it takes to get booked.
I got an audition, now what?
Congratulations, you got your foot in the door. Now is your chance to make an impression. Wear a body flattering outfit. I generally wear a short cotton dress with stilettos so they can see my legs- my best asset :) Wear something that looks great on YOU and that YOU feel great in. Too many girls come dressed in oversized sweaters and clunky shoes, they may look beautiful but you can't tell what their body looks like and the client needs to know who they are hiring.

Come with your pictures. If you have signed with an agency, they will give you a portfolio where you will put your pictures and a comp card with images, your measurements and your agents contact information that you will leave with the client. Walk into the meeting with CONFIDENCE! Believe that you will book the job. Know that you are a valuable commodity. You will be greeted by 5-500 amazon girls likely that look much like you do. Do not let them intimidate you. You are all here for the same reason. Technically you are in competition, but if you are auditioning often, you will start to see these girls all the time. Make friends! If one girl beats you out for this job, you might beat her out for the next. Or you may end up both booking the job together and you will regret giving her the evil eye in the audition room when you spend a 12 hour shoot day together.
Don't lose any sleep over not booking. There is always work. Book the next one.
I hope all this helps you get started in the crazy world of modeling. I have been so blessed to experience the fun and adventure of this business. I hope that you will make all of your modeling dreams come true.