I want success. I want it so bad that it is hard to sleep some nights. I have a hard time putting my phone down on the off chance the next call coming in could be my "big break". I run all over town in stiletto heels with my portfolio and stacks of head shots in my purse on the off chance that between auditions, gym time and running errands I bump into someone that will tell me they want to change my life. If this unlikely event occurs that merely walking down the street will get the attention of Steven Spielberg, surely he will say, "I must have your headshot and resume now, or I will never wish to see you again."
I am beyond grateful that my ambition to succeed in this business gets me out of bed each morning, eager to see what my day will bring. But there is a point that I need to take a step back, put the phone down and breathe. My friend Miller Davis, who also lives in LA, just reminded me of the quote:
"Do what you can today."
Such a simple thought, "do what you can today", yet, for me, so powerful. I can take acting classes, take pictures for my portfolio, find agents, but am I going to be able to impress Steven Spielberg just by walking down the street? Probably not. I will work my way up to audition for a major feature film. My agents will do their job and submit me for every role I fit, I will do my job and study my craft. I will learn from each step in the process on how to be the best I can be. I cannot force success to happen.
The crazy part is, I know I can have the success I dream of. It is in my future. I have the drive and the growing skill set to make every one of my dreams come true. We all have it in us to make our dreams our reality. But, if we cannot enjoy each step of the process, then we won't be able to enjoy the realization of our dreams. I must remind myself each day that it is simply one step at a time.
So what is the next step for me? I would like to book a major campaign to solidify that I have what it takes to compete in this town.
The universe has a funny way of revealing to us ways to make our dreams happen. Upon realizing the next step I would like to accomplish, I stumbled upon a contest that allows girls to compete to be the face of BCBGMaxAzria's Spring line. The top ten girls will win a photo shoot and some of BCBG's latest styles. From the top ten, reps from the company will choose the winner and the new face of their line. So this is what I can do today-- Reach out to all the people out there trying to make their dreams come true and ask for a huge favor-- Will you help me take the next step?

Click on the link and vote:
Olivia Jordan for face of BCBG
When it comes to making your dreams come true, the path may be long, but as long as you keep taking one step forward, you are moving in the right direction.
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