This one question started a turning point in my life. I decided there that I would not only find my passion but I would live it. Thus started a a three year journey to lead me to where I am today. I feel I not only discovered my passion (hint: it was in me all along) but I discovered a way to live passionately. I was afraid of what I knew in my heart I loved. I have always dreamed of being an actress and a model but they never felt like a "realisitic" lifestyle. I felt I should lead my life in a responsible way, in a safe way. When I was living in a way that I felt "should" be, instead of what I desired to be doing, I felt restless, discontent, and often very sad and alone. I felt everyone around me was on the right track to create the life they desired and I was just wandering around aimlessly. I was denying my passion, choosing to live in fear, instead of choosing to follow my heart and live in love. It took a huge amount of courage that I had to find to realize that being afraid of something doesn't mean that I can't do something. Often fear shows us the ways we can become the strongest version of ourselves. I took the plunge, discovered my passion and decided to live in it. I truly ENJOY my days and ENJOY my life. I didn't know how great life could be until I started to follow my heart.
I encourage everyone in a journey of self discovery to find what you are passionate about. What do you desire? What do you have enthusiasm about? Write down your thoughts. Write down every little thing that brings that warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy. Don't write down what you feel you "should" be passionate about, what your family wishes you were passionate about or what you wish you were passionate about. After coming up with a list of several things that bring about enthusiasm, meditate on these positive thoughts for at least 10 minutes. Sit or lay silently without distraction and envision the very things you are passionate about. I have a list and try to focus on a different item on that list each day. I always walk away feeling inspired and up-lifted. When you discover your passion, you can discover how to live passionately, so make your list and unleash your inner passion for life.
Here is what I am passionate about, in no particular order, with no self-doubt or judgement....
Dogs, specifically puppies and pugs
Watching the waves come in
(The very best to combine 1 through 4, puppies on the beach-- aaah)
Breaking a sweat in a challenging workout
Keeping family close
Loving purely and freely
Allowing myself to be loved
Accomplishing a goal
Acting and simply being on set
Expressing emotion on camera
Expressing emotion on camera
Exploring a character
Watching movies (with popcorn)
Women's equality
Spreading awareness of disease prevention
Finding a cure
Making someone smile
Making someone laugh
Laughing until my stomach hurts
Stopping/preventing/eliminating sex trafficking
Protecting children
Protecting animals
Exploring the world
Personal Growth, Self Exploration, Self Realization
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
Oprah Winfrey
great post. love the oprah quote. I'm passionate about Lab Rescue, fashion, autism spectrum disorders, and design... how i will combine the four one day, i'm not quite sure yet!